Thursday, June 08, 2006

Seven things, thanks Anniina

Seven things to do before I die:

1 Save the day
2 Find true love
3 Build a Lightsaber
4 Swing from a webline
5 Get the Girl
6 Finish my book
7 Live happily ever after

Seven things I cannot do:

1 Touch my elbows together behind my back. Try it. Especially you ladies.
2 Give Up
3 Forget
4 Surrender
5 Go down without a fight
6 Eat fish
7 Live a lie

Seven books (or series of books) I love:

1 Star Wars Expanded Universe (Various) Specifically the Han Solo Trilogy and the Han Solo Adventures
2 The Belgariad/The Mallorean (David Eddings)
3 The Tao of Jeet Kune Do (Bruce Lee)
4 The Art of War (Sun Tzu)
5 S.E. Hinton's Coming of age novels (The Outsiders, Rumble Fish, That was Then, This is Now, etc)
6 The Great Brain (From childhood, about Tom Fitzgerald and his adventures in early Utah)
7 I Want To Go Home! (Gordon Korman)

Seven movies I'd watch over and over again:

1 Hidalgo
2 Star Wars (any)
3 LOTR (any)
4 Spider-Man (any)
5 Armageddon
6 Empire Records
7 The Chronicles of Riddick

Seven people I'd like to tag:

1 Anyone with a tattoo of a rose wrapped around a sword or dagger. Tag them with a fucking BRICK.
2 Jim Carrey. With a Wrecking Ball. With a BRICK attached to it. For balance, of course.
3 George Lucas. Han Shot First, you bastard. The BRICK(tm) treatment again.
4 Eddie B. Always there for me. Even though he got me into trouble to begin with. No brick, just a man-hug
5 The staff at the Phoenix Village Inn. They let you smoke inside! Woo-hoo!
6 The good people at the Jack Daniels Distillery
7 Anniina. an Angel, pure and simple.


Blogger Anniina said...

Wow, awesome list! Umm, bricks honey? Wasn't there something about bricks in the rule book? >.>

And you know... I'm not an angel, but I'm all blushy-gushy that you'd say so :)

<3 A

3:59 AM  

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